Hands and world map

The #3 Whats!

Will the World be the Same again?

And do we want it to be so?

I among many others, have encountered significant change, challenge, and heartbreak over the last 12 weeks. Myself, watching loved ones become ill and go in to hospital to never return home again, overnight business changes when 90% of my work postponed,  joining Morrisons for 6 weeks to ‘do my bit’ and #feedingthenation, reviewing my business to take account of the changes impacting the business world and dealing with the emotions and anxiety of Covid-19.

In more recent weeks, watching the horrors in the US and not knowing how to react as a white person, but wanting to support my friends and colleagues who are reaching out and sharing their pain, stories, and experience. Clearly this dreadful situation CAN NOT continue, we MUST all stand up and speak out, however uncomfortable it makes us feel, me included.

So, who am I and what has the last 12 weeks taught me?

Professionally: I am a management coach and trainer. I work with individual managers to coach, mentor and support them in their businesses and roles. I support businesses to help managers increase their confidence and knowledge so that they can maximise the performance of their team. I am also a social responsibility expert who campaigns and supports businesses to have a positive impact in their local community while taking full advantage of the business benefits.

Personally: I am a wife, step-mum of three gorgeous young men and two grandchildren, grieving family member for my dearly beloved surrogate mum who passed on 18th April. I am an action taker who likes to take control when the ‘going’ gets tough to maintain my sanity, protect my family and those closest to me. I am a friend and confidante to those in my ‘friendship’ circle who I love to support, champion, and encourage them to be the best that they can be. So, taking personal responsibility, having solid integrity, and making a difference are core to my personal and professional values.

What have I learnt over the last 12 weeks?

That I am able, willing and want to stand up and do the right thing for my family and myself. Something I have known for a very long time, that I have integrity even when the going gets tough and you are a lone voice.

That my family and friends mean more to me than material things, I have always known it, but it has been cemented, I truly value time with people. 

I like to reach out and check that others are ok, not a half-hearted ‘how are you?’ But I really want to be a listening ear and hear how the other person is doing. I may not have the answers that they might be searching for, but I can listen to them and support them on their journey.

That my business is developing, that Covid-19 has not ended it, but helped me evolve and grow, develop, and strive to thrive with new products and services.

That, when during Covid, I have not been ‘okay’, that it is ok to not be ‘okay’. We have all dealt with this the best way we can, no way is the right way, nor the wrong way. It is just our way. One thing I will continue to remember,  is that no-one can understand another unless they have ‘walked’ in their shoes.

Please be kind and thoughtful to each other as we navigate our next steps in this extraordinary journey.

  • What about you?
  • What have you learnt?
  • What are your reflections?

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